Nexus5配Android 4.4.1测试:镜头对焦迅速一升汽油等多少斤赵王赵王使平原君

来源:互联网新闻 时间:2018-10-04 00:41

新华网12月12日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,Nexus产品线长期以来摄像头的名声都不好,但是到Nexus5终于有了改观,而且Google的改善不仅仅停留在硬件层面。Android 4.4.1系统让改良过的硬件获得更好的效果,相机启动和对焦时间提高了半秒钟。这个时间看起来不多,但是对于摄影来说却大不一样。

照片质量提升不大,但是在有些照片里你能看见整体曝光效果有所改善,特别是在低照度的情况下。以下是在高对比情况下Nexus 5在软件升级前的照片:




Android 4.4.1更新的最大改善是软件启动时间和对焦速度。虽然照片颜色和和曝光改变不大,但是相机速度大幅增加使得使用Nexus手机体验更好,特别是在黑暗的酒吧或者快速拍照的情况下,你可以在更短的时间里打开相机拍上一张照片。



Nexus 5 Camera With Android 4.4.1 Test Shots: A Speed Focus Machine

The Nexus line\'s reputation of bad camera phones seems to have stopped at the Nexus 5, but Google isn\'t limiting the improvement to hardware. The Nexus 5\'s 4.4.1 update took what was already a much better camera and improved its launch time and focus speeds by half a second. That may not seem like much, but in photography it makes all the difference.

Image quality isn\'t a staggering improvement, but in some images you can notice an overall better exposure, especially for low light situations. Here is an image in a high contrast environment from the Nexus 5 pre-update:

Compared to after the update:

A noticeably brighter image shows how Google has improved shutter time in relation to metering. That being said, I still prefer the first image because it retains more information in highlights.

In this image you get a good sense of the improved shutter. The update provided a better exposed image:

The real star of 4.4.1 is the speed at which the app launches and quick focusing the camera can now do. Although there is a minor difference in image coloring/exposure, it\'s the actual experience of using your camera app on the Nexus that shines, especially in situations—dark bars, fast action—where you\'re more likely to reach for your phone to get a quick shot.

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